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May 2024 – Coming Soon – Fresher User Interface

Dear customers,

This latest newsletter includes details of upcoming changes to freshen up the user interface as well as a number of other improvements we have recently made.

Coming Soon – Fresher User Interface

We have been busy working on a more modern, fresh looking user interface for the main application. The first round of changes have been under test with a select set of early adopter customers and should be live on the main web site imminently so we wanted to give all our customers a quick preview.

See the screenshots below. The main changes are around simplifying the look and making it slightly friendlier for tablet-style touch screens which we know a number of customers use.

Understanding your portfolios performance at a glance

The home page displays a snapshot of your portfolios and properties performance. Did you know you can extend the details shown for your property units to also show a comparison of performance versus your previous financial period? To do this, click on the options button in the top right of the panel and select the option to Show last period figures. The panel will then update to also show income, expenditure and profit for the previous financial period along with the percentage change versus the current financial period. See the screenshots below:

We’ll continue to keep you updated on new features we add to SmartPropertyManager. And as always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or if you have any suggestions on how we can make SmartPropertyManager work better for you.

Best regards,
SPM Team

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